Wednesday, April 28, 2010


My dad checks up on this blog from time to time. A faithful follower. Like he's always been.

Yesterday, I was in the middle of trying to explain to my almost 10 year-old son how sometimes life is so not fair, and there are times when he could believe that he was %100 right and noone would understand him, or care about his feelings of beliefs. Now he's probably not old enough to understand that whatever stand he makes on even the silliest issue has some sort of impact and more often serious consequences that follow. Maybe this event was the first he came across, it's the first one that I can think of, or at least know of.

Anyways... Thanks, dad, for telling me to always stand up for what I believe. Even though that got me in lots of trouble more than I can remember, I was able to tell my son that yes, he would probably get in trouble, but if he truly believed whatever he did was not wrong, he should stand up for himself. And a special congrats to my mom who taught me to be polite and practical. And she quits smoking too! My hero!

As for the lull in posts... Been busy. Organizing a picnic that's turning into a logistical nightmare. When I say picnic, I mean PICNIC in caps, an event for 5,000+ people and a concert to follow. Fun but exhausting. Also had surgery, no big deal, still recovering happily.

Also, found out that backstabbing and gossip never ceases to exist no matter who you are, what age you are, and whatever status you think you belong to... So glad I have some true friends to stop me from kicking some serious butt. And a cute hubby who volunteers to do that for me because he's thoughtful like that.


Starr said...

"Also, found out that backstabbing and gossip never ceases to exist no matter who you are, what age you are, and whatever status you think you belong to..." Sadly, that is true;
people don't always grow up and become mature; my forty-three-year-old mother STILL deals with it. But I am glad that you have good friends and a great husband to get you through; be grateful for these things as well, because not everyone has them. I'm looking forward to your next post! :)

ahopkins1965 said...

This is a very nice blog. I am happy that you are sharing about your personal experiences when it pertains to family and relationships.