Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Baby!

So hard to believe it's been a decade since I first laid my eyes on you. You are growing up to be such a good guy, such a sweet guy that as I type this, I have tears in my eyes. I promised you, that first night we lay awake next to a stranger in a hospital room with an incredible view of the Hudson that I only saw after a whole day, that I would give you everything, anything, that would make sure you grew up to be a wonderful, happy boy. And you made me proud. With your charm, understanding, slightly sappy yet overwhelmingly sweet sentimentality, courage, wits, insight and your big big heart, you make me proud, you always have, you always will. I love you, so much, so much so much that I, once again, have tears in my eyes. Happy birthday babe.


Starr said...

Awwww, that's so cute!!:) Happy birthday to your son~~

Orhan Kurmuş said...

Dogum gunun kutlu olsun, ilk goz agrimiz.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your son!

chasong said...

Am loving those pictures. Like the way you chronicled it.
happy birthday to your son

Am sure you will find some post on this link interesting

Arizona~ said...

Happy birthday to your son :)